Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Naked Field Crickets Dancing and Singing below my Window

I spent the better part of an hour yesterday morning reading about “field crickets” on the internet.  I think the reason I read about odd things such as crickets is that I have some kind of mental defect that has impaired the part of my brain that prompts normally functioning men to seek out and email relatively pornographic jokes and images of nude women to their friends.
I never do that.
I read about crickets instead.
At any rate, young crickets are called nymphs which sounds fairly sexy and might somewhat qualify what I do as pornographic.   So, now I have that going for me.
The sexy little nymph crickets grow pretty fast and may molt their skin more than eight times before they mature.  Field crickets eat seeds, some plants, small fruits, and may on occasion munch on one of their relatives.  The males like to sing and dance.  Naturally, all of this singing and dancing is fashioned to attract a female so the male can “do her up.”   For those unfamiliar with slang, “do her up” means “to have sex with.”

The males produce their jittery love songs by rubbing their wings together.  Honestly, I enjoy hearing crickets singing below my open window at night.  I never feel lonely while hearing them.  I am a little disturbed that they are naked (unlike Jiminy Cricket who may actually be a bit over-dressed), but I don’t wear underwear.  So, I also have that going for me.
--Mitchell Hegman


  1. One thing can be said about crickets mating: they are predictable. I imagine that whenever I hear their "singing," nymphs are getting laid. :). Humans are unfortunately not as predictable. We like our mating rituals and games. We chase one another in complicated mazes that do not seem to have an end. But then maybe there is something beautiful in that madness. And I think it is called love.

  2. We are far from predictable--that much is certain! At our age, the fact we are no longer driven by the need to procreate (but mostly motivated by emotional needs) really makes for some quirks and twists in the mazes.
