Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Sex with a Cockroach

In my way of thinking it is going to take more than pink lipstick, a slinky nightgown and six stiletto heels to make a girl cockroach sexy, but as luck would have it I might be a perfect match for sexy girl cockroaches.
Female cockroaches prefer wimps.
Some researchers think that female cockroaches prefer docile to socially inept males because they make for gentle lovers.  A more aggressive male might injure their female partner.  Given this, a meek poem-reciting male (me) will likely be more attractive than a burly football-playing type (most males).
Cockroaches are also the touchy-feely type—thingmotropic in scientific terms—they rather crave the feeling of something touching against them.  Nothing would make a female happier than a male who can only afford a small crack in a concrete foundation where they can huddle together.
Save for a few isolated and ever tenuous populations inadvertently transplanted into Montana, cockroaches do not extend their habitat into our northern climate.  Lucky for me, I suppose.  If something or someone is attracted to me, I tend to reciprocate.
--Mitchell Hegman

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