Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Monday, July 9, 2018

Bad Candy

The Jelly Belly Candy Company has dropped two new jelly bean flavors into their mix: dirty dishwater and stink bug.
They taste perfectly awful, which makes them a sure winner.
The bad-tasting beans are part of something called the BeanBoozled game, which pairs sweeter beans with bad ones.  If you are lucky, you only grab the sweet jelly beans when you play the game and try to sate your sweet tooth.
Here are few example pairings:
1. Spoiled Milk and Coconut
2. Dead Fish and Strawberry
3. Stinky Socks and Tutti-Frutti
4. Lawn Clippings and Lime
5. Canned Dog Food and Chocolate Pudding
6. Barf and Peach
Here's the thing.  I didn’t attend college when I finished high school.  I didn’t see a clear career path there.  Had I known college might lead to job where I could design stinky sock flavored candy, I would have been in college before week’s end.
--Mitchell Hegman

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