Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Monday, May 4, 2020

A Firm Answer

I have given this careful consideration and settled on a firm answer.  Therefore, if the question is asked of me: “Mitch, what is the stupidest thing you have ever said?,” I have an answer.
Somewhere around 1982, as a nontraditional student (read ‘older’ here), I attended classes at Montana State University.  One of the classes I attended explored the inequities of the criminal justice system.  The class was fairly intimate and filled with thoughtful and friendly young students.
I have forgotten the exact circumstances, but one afternoon a totally blind man sat in on a lecture.  His German shepherd service dog dutifully sat alongside him.  At some point, during a break in lecture, I and a few other students in the class engaged the blind man in a discussion about his service dog.  The man explained that he wanted to be cautious about too much affection toward the dog from others.  He also discouraged others from offering treats to the dog.
“It’s important that he does not get distracted,” the man told us.
This is the point at which I said a stupid thing to the blind man.  “So,” I said, “you really have to keep any eye on other people.”
Mitchell Hegman


  1. I might have just laughed out loud and that was inappropriate but I also could easily have done the same thing.

    1. The instant I said that I just wanted to melt. It's kinda funny when I think about it now.
