Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Our Fall Mindset

The songbirds have departed, and chill winds flick leaves from the chokecherry. Our summer shoes are now stashed near the door. You would think, with winter bullying its way toward us from some unremarkable place in the Arctic, a kind of sadness might infect our thinking.

But no.

We celebrate instead, in the good light of early morning. There is no other sky that can compare to this. The blue is without flaw, and the mountains have adopted pink as their own, even if only for a moment.

Later, we can walk to where our shadows never try to escape from underneath us. The air will be cool then, but not cold. Maybe the chickadees will find us out there. They have been gone since early summer, and I miss them.

—Mitchell Hegman

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