I have a particular pet peeve that likely would not register with most people. That said, I have adopted this thing wholesale. And here it is: I cannot tolerate seeing manufacturer’s stickers on plastic storage bins once they have been purchased and put to use. To me, leaving the sticker on is equivalent to moving your mobile home to a permanent location and leaving the wheels under it without skirting to cover them.
It's surprising how off-putting the
sight of the manufacturer’s sticker is to me. If I spot one while a guest at
someone’s house, I must tamp down a strong urge to slip away and tear it off.
By the way, there is also such a
thing as fear of stickers. The term for this is pittakionophobia, which
refers to an intense fear of stickers, adhesive labels, or sticky materials.
People with this phobia may feel discomfort, anxiety, or even panic when
encountering stickers—whether it's the texture, the adhesive residue, or the
act of peeling them off.
Me? I’m all about peeling stickers
off storage bins. In fact, I purchased two bins yesterday. Today, I’m sharing a
photograph of a sticker I captured just before I peeled it off.
—Mitchell Hegman