Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Questions and Answers

DISEMBODIED VOICE:  What gives lasting pleasure?
ME:  Suffering.

DISEMBODIED VOICE:  What do all men seek to find?
ME:  Ways in which to lose themselves.

DISEMBODIED VOICE:  Where does each new day begin?
ME:  At the place where you find the sun setting.

DISEMBODIED VOICE:   What weighs the same whether empty or full?
ME:  The mind.

DISEMBODIED VOICE:  What cannot be avoided?
ME:  Birth.

DISEMBODIED VOICE:   What is empty when full?
ME:  Animosity.

DISEMBODIED VOICE:   What can sometimes hold a man, often not hold him, and yet be the very foundation for his life?
ME:  Water.

DISEMBODIED VOICE:   How is joy best expressed?
ME:  Through tears.

DISEMBODIED VOICE:  How does injustice manifest?
ME:  With the laws of men.

DISEMBODIED VOICE:   When is the passage of time least important?
ME:  When demarcated by the lives of me.

--Mitchell Hegman

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