Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Bullet Points on Yesterday

·         I slept for 10 hours instead of my normal 5 or 6.
·         I witnessed a black widow murdering a moth in my garage.
·         I dreamt that I was bidding on an electrical trenching job in Great Falls and everyone was worried that the trenching machines would fall off the side hill where the work would be performed.  I intended to include lots of extra money for that but awoke before the bid process was complete.
·         I worked on a Power Point presentation about grounding and bonding solar photovoltaic systems—which is way more interesting than it sounds.
·         I tried to read 2 different blog entries on a blog called “M-Phi” which is dedicated to “mathematical philosophy” and far beyond my cognitive abilities.  Here is a sample of what I read there:
o   In mathematicsese, U(n) is the unitary group of $n \times n$ matrices, and U(1) is the case where $n = 1$. The elements of U(1) are identified with the complex numbers $e^{i \theta}$, and group multiplication is simply complex multiplication.
·         I decided that I will try to figure out sex first, philosophy second.
·         I opened a new bottle of red wine.     
--Mitchell Hegman

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