Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Idiocy Illustrated

The distance from Helena, Montana to Hilo, Hawaii is slightly more than 3050 miles, calculated as a direct path.  I would draw you a map, but that would actually direct us away from where this blog entry is going.  Instead, study the photograph I have posted below.
If you study the file cabinet (brand new and freshly assembled by me) you may notice something odd.
I fastened the handle for the top drawer on the inside.
Okay, this is where the blog only sort of takes us—well, me—to Hilo.  That is where my mind was as I put the handle on the top drawer.  In Hilo with Ariel Murphy.
Spending time with Ariel Murphy is smart.
Thinking about her while assembling a file cabinet…not so much.
--Mitchell Hegman

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