Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Friday, November 1, 2013

These to Remember, These to Dream, These to do Again

These to remember:
Kissing hollow-cheeked girls in cool basements.  Wading silver creeks under a dome of green leaves.  The sound of freight trains emerging from the blue mountains.  Lying on sidewalks under the summer sun.  Cats coming and going.  The sound of my wife laughing.
These to dream:
Rainbow trout swimming amongst the whitest autumn clouds.  Green money.  Kissing girls alongside the summer sidewalks.  The silver moon rising.  Cats chasing cats. 
These to do again:
Drive open roads while vesper sparrows bounce through the air alongside me.  Camp in the bluest mountains with a fire at my feet and white stars twisting around my face.  Take in the scent of lilacs as I bathe in the green leaves of June.  Stitch my tracks through fresh snow.  Imagine the sound of my wife laughing.
--Mitchell Hegman      

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