Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Dead Standing

This morning I am posting photographs from a walk I took on Saturday morning.  I have manipulated the contrast.

--Mitchell Hegman


  1. There is something about leafless and seemingly lifeless trees that makes them equally attractive as trees with vibrantly green spreading canopies. For me, the attraction may be because the jarring starkness of those leafless trees standing tall and still reaching for the heavens reminds me much of our very own flawed and dual nature and the beauty in our every struggle to accept, live with and even overcome. Though sometimes we may not realize it, we have it in us to be powerful!

    Thank you for the photos. Though ou say of your blogs, "some are pretty and some are not," they always are. A matter of perception!

  2. I agree, Ariel Murphy. As you know, I am really fond of subjects that create patterns. Patterns seem to have no preference for living things or non-living things. It is all about the patterns. Those patterns include emotional patterns.
