Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

A Pretty Woman Leads to Starvation

I have always been easily distracted.  I cannot count the times that I have started walking toward the kitchen from my living room only to end up outside the back door looking at pretty clouds or some kind of bird.   The other day I started running the water for my evening shower and then wandered off to feed the cats, which led to making a phone call, which transformed into me grabbing a bite to eat, which led me to stare out the bay window and absently pinch at the leaves of my begonia plant.  When I eventually wandered back toward the shower, I heard the water running and only then recalled getting the water started about fifteen minutes earlier.
Natural resources wasted by human stupidity.
Last Sunday I went grocery shopping for the week.  Halfway through my list (a list formed and kept in my head, thank you) I chanced to see a striking woman of about my age.  The woman had long black hair and dark skin and was wearing a deep red top.  I nearly crashed into a display of flowers when I first saw her.
The sunrise kind of pretty.  Snow-capped mountain pretty.
I thought about the woman quite a bit as I continued shopping.  I think I am a little lonely.  My 40 pounds of cat are not exactly a fully functioning roommate.
As luck would have it, I continued to bump into the woman aisle after aisle and I continued thinking about her.
Only when I arrived home did I realize that the woman had so distracted me I failed to purchase half of what I intended to buy for the week.
--Mitchell Hegman