Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Mysteries of the World

The world is filled with mysteries that are sometimes afoot and sometimes in the air.
How did the ancient Sumerians have firm knowledge of planets in our solar system that we did not prove in existence until the twentieth century?  How do some cats and dogs find their way back after being lost more than a thousand miles from home?  Where does the white go when snow melts?  How has Donald Trump navigated his entire adult life with his hair looking like that?
Two ongoing mysteries have been fully manifest around me for my entire life.  These two mysteries have always left me baffled.  How have all the contractors and ranchers that I know remained operating when all of them tell me they never make money?
--Mitchell Hegman


  1. It seems that some people deny that they are being blessed. An ancient belief is that some of the gods will be jealous and the good fortune will stop if they are acknowledged to others.

  2. You are correct, Ariel Murphy, however, most of the contractors and ranchers I know are simply never satisfied and want more. Not all, mind you, but most.
