Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Sunset Observations

The sun dies quickly against the ocean.  The sunsets here are, for lack of a better word, earnest.

I am accustomed to seeing the sun sinking into the various Chevron of the Rocky Mountains.  This is often followed by an upsurge of fruit-basket colors that splay up from the far side of the mountains.  That is followed by a long period of dusky light.

Here, the ocean swallows the sun quickly—as if it were a bitter pill.  And you can look directly at the sun as it swiftly drops against the perfectly straight horizon, dying along with its fire colors.  Dusk does not linger here.  Here there is day and there is night.

--Mitchell Hegman

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