Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Portal Guards

My “bionic” bluebird box has been further fortified.  A longtime friend and reader of this blog gifted me with a box of four portal guards for protecting the box and nesting bluebirds inside.

Guards are metal plates you affix around the entry portal with screws.  The guards make a lot of sense.  Long before a magpie murdered the female of the nesting pair in my bluebird box, a northern flicked attacked the box.  A portal guard would have provided a great deal of protection from the flicker’s assault.


Damage Caused by a Northern Flicker

Portal Guard in Place

Mitchell Hegman

NOTE:  The bluebirds and I thank you, Diane!


  1. Why it shows me unknown😊 hon?
    Thanks for the sweet gesture Ms Diane!
