Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Monday, June 14, 2021

The Bionic Bluebird Box

Less than a week ago, a magpie murdered the female from a nesting pair in my front yard.  The magpie ambushed her from atop the bird box.  The male vanished following the murder.

Yesterday, another male appeared at the bluebird box.  I watched him hover in front for a few seconds, inspecting.  He then perched on top for a bit, checking out the neighborhood.

The last thing I want is another murder on my hands.

About a month ago, I purchased a new bluebird box after a northern flicker hammered holes it the existing one.  I intended to replace the box then, thinking the nesting pair had abandoned the nest inside, but I soon saw the birds resuming preparations to raise a brood.

Yesterday, after seeing another bluebird showing interest, I decided to replace the nesting box.  But I added some protective features using metal from the soffit I tore apart for the sunroom addition and wood from my window replacement project.

I produced a kind of “bionic” bluebird box.

I extended the roof to prevent ambush attacks from above.  I added metal foils to the face of the box to prevent big birds from grasping the box.

Here’s to hoping it works.

Building the Box

The Final Product

Mitchell Hegman 


  1. Hi Michael,
    I hope the Bluebirds think this a good home to raise a family and that your improvements keep them safe. Sometimes, Mother Nature makes my heart hurt.

    Wondering if you might be able to help. I want to start blogging to share my adventures and photos. I signed onto Blogger but am having trouble navigating the set up. Your site is exactly what I looking to create. If you have some I could use a little help. Thx, Terri

  2. Not sure I can be of much help. I am no set-up wizard by any stretch. Once I got into the set-up I just started poking about and looking at everything I could access. Some of my features may not be available now.
