Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Driving Lessons

Desiree has almost zero experience in driving an automobile.  In the last few weeks, I have been easing her into both the thought and practice of driving.  The other day, for example, I stopped my truck on the open road less than a mile from our house and had her drive home from there.

I also share tips about driving as we book around town.

On our last trip to town, we found ourselves at a four-way stop.  “Four-way stops can be tricky,” I told Desiree.  “The car arriving first gains the right-of-way.  If two cars arrive at the same time, the car on the right goes first.  If the cars are opposite each other when they arrive at the same time, the car going straight through goes first.  If four cars all happen to arrive at once, you just start swearing at each other.”

Desiree Driving the Truck

Mitchell Hegman