Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Saturday, June 4, 2022

Just Married

Yesterday was the 3rd of June.  This is notable because Desiree celebrates her birthday on June 3rd.   As the date of her birthday approached, the thought occurred to me that we were already something near a third of the way through the timeline for Desiree’s 90-day visa.

“What if we get married on your birthday?” I suggested to Desiree.

“I like that,” she responded almost immediately.

 “Me, too.  I am terrible at remembering important dates.  Maybe if we put your birthday and our wedding day together, I will remember one or the other.”        

We agreed long ago that we wanted a simple wedding.  No notice.  No fanfare.  From the outside, this may look sudden, but we have been in a deep relationship for nearly three years.

So, there it is.  Yesterday, June 3, 2022, we snuck off to the Lewis and Clark County Courthouse (along with sister Debbie) to share our vows before justice of the peace Piskolich.  Following a brief but lovely ceremony, we ate an early dinner at the Mediterranean Grill.

Upon arrival at home after our whirlwind wedding, we were met by a rainbow.

June 3, 2022, a day to remember.

Getting Hitched

Selfie With the Judge

Celebrating at the Mediterranean Grill

A Rainbow at Day’s End

—Mitchell Hegman

NOTE: We are planning a celebration at the lake on the 4th of July.  More on that later.


  1. Great minds think alike! Congratulations and felicitations are in order to you both.

  2. Congratulations cousin Mitch. And welcome to the family Desiree.

  3. Congratulations!!!!

  4. So lovely. Congratulations. You two are a beautiful couple. Happy for you both.
