Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Sunday, April 13, 2014


I have become somewhat addicted to murder investigation documentary shows such as Forensic Files and The First 48.  I am fascinated by the energy expended in the investigations and the strict attention to details.  Certain broad patterns relative to murder are also striking.  Overkill, as example a victim that has been stabbed many dozens of times, almost always indicates that the murderer knew the victim well and had some kind of emotional bond with them.   Automobiles tend to be involved in murders where young people commit the acts.   Older men are often murdered in their homes—generally with sex somewhere in the mix.
As you watch episodes of Forensic Files, you will hear the narrator ask (rhetorically) in reference to the victims: “But who wanted them dead?”
I sometimes find myself responding to the television:  “It was not me.  I would be perfectly happy if nobody ever got murdered and I spent my days listening to music instead of watching you.”
But so long is the murders continue, I shall continue to watch.
--Mitchell Hegman

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