Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Floodwaters and Glacier Lilies

Yesterday, my brother-in-law and I drove up to my cabin to see how the snowmelt is coming.  Both the road to my cabin and the road over Stemple Pass have been overtaken by rushing water in some places.  Still, we were able to drive all the way into my cabin so I could retrieve some wood I want for a project at home.
If the creek rises another four to six inches, I fear my footbridge will be taken out.  I have posted a photo of the footbridge at the end of this blog.  On the way out from the cabin, we stopped long enough to wander out into the forest and admire the glacier lilies.  They are always the first wildflowers paint bright colors into mountain landscapes.