Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Thursday, July 25, 2019


On occasions when you are feeling sorry for yourself, it is suggested you take time to consider those around you who are less fortunate.  In this reflective practice, you will realize things are not so bad after all.
As a public service, I am offering the smooth-face blobfish (Psychrolutes marcidus) as a perfect “less fortunate” subject for you to consider the next time you have need to focus on such.
In name alone the blobfish sounds sad and luckless.  And the “face” of a blobfish is perpetually sour.
Blobfish are lonely, deep water dwellers found off the coasts of Australia, Tasmania, and New Zealand.  Unlike most fish, blobfish are not sleek and muscular.  Their bodies are much more a semi-buoyant gelatinous mass than anything.  Instead of flicking and swimming about at depths, the bloblish more or less floats and bumbles along just above the sea floor.  To sustain itself, the blobfish gulps down any edible matter that happens to float in front of it.
Sad and hapless from beginning to end.
I have posted a couple images of blobfish I found floating about on the internet.
I hope this makes you feel better about yourself.

—Mitchell Hegman


  1. So unfortunate looking they are almost charming. Makes me wonder what the reaction was of the first person to catch/observe one; they look like something out of a fever dream or cartoon.

  2. They really are strange little fellas. They look like the deformation.
