Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Sunday, February 2, 2025


Phishing is a type of cyberattack in which scammers attempt to trick individuals into providing sensitive information, such as login credentials, financial details, or personal data, by posing as legitimate entities. Yesterday, a phishing email somehow squeezed through my various layers of malware protection and landed in my inbox. The email thanked me for the purchase of “device protection” and then, in bold letters below, listed a phone number I could call if I wanted to cancel—the point at which someone would try to extract information from me.

The email featured several hallmarks of a scam. First, the sender's email address did not match the company name. Second, the grammar was wonky, as revealed in this sample: “Within a day, USD 375.99 will be taken out of your account. If you would want to cancel or request a refund, please contact our customer service staff right once.”

Honestly, it takes a lot for me to resist the urge to call the number and try to confuse or frustrate the scammers, but that would give them an opportunity to obtain my phone number.

—Mitchell Hegman

Saturday, February 1, 2025

The Rock Collector

Apparently, the passenger-side rear tire on my car enjoys collecting rocks just as much as I do. It has collected two rocks in the last six months, requiring me to have the tire repaired each time.

Interestingly, my tire has wholly different criteria than I do for choosing which rocks it collects. The tire goes for sharply edged, rather plain-looking specimens. I, on the other hand, am drawn to more colorful rocks, especially those rounded and polished by the forces of nature. Just the same, I have added the specimens collected by my tire to my own rock collection.

I’m sharing a photograph featuring the two rocks picked up by my tire, along with a can of Cold Smoke beer as a reference for size. The specimen on the right is the most recent.

My Tire’s Rock Collection

—Mitchell Hegman