Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Saturday, February 1, 2025

The Rock Collector

Apparently, the passenger-side rear tire on my car enjoys collecting rocks just as much as I do. It has collected two rocks in the last six months, requiring me to have the tire repaired each time.

Interestingly, my tire has wholly different criteria than I do for choosing which rocks it collects. The tire goes for sharply edged, rather plain-looking specimens. I, on the other hand, am drawn to more colorful rocks, especially those rounded and polished by the forces of nature. Just the same, I have added the specimens collected by my tire to my own rock collection.

I’m sharing a photograph featuring the two rocks picked up by my tire, along with a can of Cold Smoke beer as a reference for size. The specimen on the right is the most recent.

My Tire’s Rock Collection

—Mitchell Hegman

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