Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Caring For Your Cat

Domestic cats have developed a reputation for being “difficult” to live with.  For starters, most cats are fairly reserved in expressing emotions.  This sometimes makes interpreting their moods and desires perplexing.  Cats are resistant to changes in their living spaces and daily routines.  Most cats do not appreciate water for much beyond drinking.  Cats may readily challenge your attempts to establish authority.
While, at times, cats might be demanding, the rewards of their affection and their playfulness are great.  If you learn to indulge your cats just a little, they are lovely roommates.
Following are a few practical “relationship” tips to help anyone new to cohabitating with a feline:
1.  Never attempt to wash your cat in the sink unless you have first duct-taped its legs together and duct-taped shut its mouth.
2.  Stand by the exterior door as often as possible so that you can let your cat in or out repeatedly.
3.  Every cat has a part of their body that they do not like to have touched.  Some cats do not like their belly touched.  Others do not like anyone near their baby-making junk.  When you first move in with a cat, you may want to don a pair of well-padded mittens, grab the cat, and feel around a bit until you find the forbidden cat-spot.  Once you find the forbidden spot, avoid that spot in the future.
4.  Never attempt to apply duct tape to your cat.
5.  Never attempt to establish “a balance” between your behaviors and a cat’s behaviors if your behaviors annoy the cat.  The cat must establish all baselines.
6.  Your cat will likely refuse to eat all but a difficult to find and expensive canned variety of food.  Be prepared to spend a great deal of money and time procuring cat food.
--Mitchell Hegman

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