Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Our Rainbow Heavens

In the Bible, the rainbow emerges as a symbol of God's covenant with humanity after the Great Flood, signifying a promise that such a cataclysmic event would not recur. The rainbow, with its vibrant array of colors stretching across the sky, has come to embody this promise throughout various religious and cultural traditions.

I must admit, I am still awestruck each time a rainbow appears before me. Early yesterday morning, with the sun fixed just above the eastern horizon, Desiree and I took a walk down our country road. On our return leg, a vivid rainbow appeared over our house.

Each time we leave the house for a walk, I say to Desiree, “Des, grab your phone so you can get a picture if we see Bigfoot or a UFO.” Yesterday, she left her phone at home. Fortunately, I had stuffed mine in my back pocket and managed to capture a few photographs of the rainbow.

—Mitchell Hegman


  1. Hmmm… Not so much over the house, but ending on the house the real pot of gold. Quite the symbolic gesture from God in a number of ways.
