Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Friday, September 20, 2024


The nights are marching against us. Each day now, we shed two or three minutes of daylight. And yet, September remains one of my favorite months. I appreciate the cooler mornings and warm evenings. The dust of summer has settled, and a clarity has come to the sky. In the last two weeks, a blush of yellow and orange has appeared on trees and brush at higher elevations.

I understand that we are crawling toward the blowing snows of winter, but for now, give me these days when I can warm myself by a campfire and think about what Buckminster Fuller said: “Fire is the sun unwinding from the tree’s log.” Give me the creeks running clear, and the smaller critters scampering around me as they work to fill their caches. Finally, give me the autumn moon. Never as warm as the sun, this moon, but ever faithful and mild.

—Mitchell Hegman

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