Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

The Rebloom

The rebloom is upon us. Most of our Montana native flowers don’t favor our hot, dry summers. They tolerate them, but either reduce or entirely cease blooming as a survival tactic. As the heat wanes and longer nights drag themselves over the days, the flowers stir again and eagerly put forth blossoms.

This is the last hurrah.

In the narrow strip of soil between the approach to my garage doors, we have encouraged several native plants to flourish. In the last few weeks, as the mornings and evenings have cooled, three of these have roused for the rebloom: Gaillardia, gumweed, and flax.

Gaillardia (Indian Blanket)



—Mitchell Hegman

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