Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Journal: A Man and His Cat

—Strange. As I watched, my cat entered the living room, jumped up onto my coffee table, gave me a sour look, then batted my ink pen and a small eye dropper bottle to the floor.
—I let my cat out.  I let my cat in.  I let my cat out.  I let my cat in.  I let my cat out. I let my cat in.
—My cat cautiously watched me in my back and forth to the utility room as I cleaned out his litter box.  Almost the instant I sat down from finishing that chore, he sauntered off to the utility room to use the litter box.
—Is there something wrong with me?  Why does my cat keep staring at me?
—I could be mistaken, but as time goes on, I become more and more convinced my cat only tolerates me because I have the cat food.
—Just spent an hour on my sofa with my cat sprawled across my lap.  Is there anything better?
—Mitchell Hegman

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