Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Keyword for Today

Last evening, I spent the waning minutes of daylight soaking in my hot tub.  The light of day failed quickly as a snowstorm lowered shawls of snow all around me.  Soon, the green pine trees turned a deep blue.   Giant, gently sinking snowflakes dropped straight down from the clouds immediately above.  The snow closed in, obscuring all sense of distance.
I thought: Wow, this is so cool!
I outstretched my arms and turned my face up so the snowflakes could melt directly against me.  Each one delivered a kind of exhilarating sting of chill upon touching my skin.  Not a single sound penetrated the storm.
The snow accumulated quickly.  By the time I scampered back inside, a new layer of pure white covered everything.
The snow continued into full darkness.
Late last night, I came awake to strong winds shouldering against my house.
This morning, after feeding my 20 pounds of housecat and brewing my coffee, I stepped outside as I always do to get a feel for the day.
Keyword for today: “snowdrift.” 
-- Mitchell Hegman 

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