Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


I have always been partial to voting for lunatics when they run for office, as example Ross Perot. I like Bill Clinton, Ron Paul, Dennis Kucinich, and Pat Buchanan all at the same time. These are complex men who have thought about their positions and are at least slightly goofy. And, as a significant side note, Dennis Kucinich is a geeky little guy with an incredibly hot wife (do a web search for him and just see what happens). The more complicated and difficult a politician’s ideas and plans, the more intrigued I become. I tend to be repulsed by the “quick fix” guys or the “catch-phrase” queens of any political persuasion.

Having finally entered into the next national election cycle, the airwaves are overstuffed with quick-fix schemes and polished catch-phrases for a troubled and apparently confused polity, never mind that we are on the verge of financial crisis again with our debt. Apparently, a great turn of phrase will save us. I am both bemused and horrified by the rapid poll fluctuations of the announced candidates for the presidency. The candidates rise and fall by day and by region. Are we, as an electorate, that shallow and fickle? The potential voters chase after the newest political gem, like unimprinted ducklings waddling after a man on a riding lawnmower because they need a mother and are convinced they have found her. We have neither long-term memory nor long-term plans. At what point will the ducklings follow a callow non-thinker over an unseen cliff?

--Mitchell Hegman

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