Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Monday, September 7, 2020

Dog Bites Drunks

For a time, my father had a dog that did not like drunks.  The drunker someone was, the more the dog disliked them.  The dog quickly developed a habit of biting drunks on principle.

While an argument might be made in favor of such a dog, the dog posed a couple of problems for my father.

First, my father lived in East Helena, Montana.  I am not trying to say drunks are common there.


Yes, I am.

Secondly, the dog would snarl at my father when he came home drunk.

The dog’s stance on drunks developed into something I blogged about several years ago: a CLM.  The acronym CLM stands for “career limiting maneuver.”  To the best of my knowledge, the acronym was originated by John Bedard, a pleasant young man who is, sadly, no longer with us.

Dad’s dog, as I understand it, was sent out of town to live on a local ranch operated by generally sober people.

Mitchell Hegman

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