By default, garages become a catch-all for all manner of things: camping gear, Christmas decorations, tools, recyclables, building materials, and on into seeming infinity. If your garage is anywhere near deciduous trees, as mine is, the space will also be subject to what I call “self-collect mode.”
Yesterday afternoon, I
put the provisions of this mode into practice when I opened the overhead doors.
Self-collect mode dictates that any leaves shed by the trees last fall will
swirl outside and sweep themselves into the garage at any opportunity. Sometimes—read
yesterday here—bits of white packing foam may also appear from nowhere,
only to scuttle under things and out of sight.
I’m guessing there are
preventive measures to limit the impact of self-collect mode in my
garage—raking my leaves in the fall, for example. Still, I prefer to let the
garage and the wind sort things out between them.
—Mitchell Hegman
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