Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

A Pop Quiz about Nature

Choose the best answer for each of the following questions.  This quiz has a 3 minute time limit. 
1.      How many pine trees are required to make a pine forest?

a.       1

b.      100

c.       1000

d.      Depends on the type of pine.

2.      A stream becomes river when:

a.       You cannot jump over it.

b.      You cannot safely wade across it.

c.       Geese flock to it.

d.      The stream courses through a pine forest.

3.      When giving names to passing clouds, you should:

a.       Whistle before giving each name.

b.      Close your eyes when you pick each name.

c.       Imagine a new language to use in naming them.

d.      Any 2 of the above.

4.      How many aspen trees are required to comprise an aspen grove?

a.       1

b.      2

c.       10

d.      To be determined by local authority having jurisdiction.

5.      Winter is officially at an end when:

a.       A skunk crosses through your headlights on your drive to work.

b.      The morning snow melts by noon.

c.       You see your first bluebird.

d.      The ice melts from the surface of the nearest lake or pond.

--Mitchell Hegman

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