Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Friday, September 27, 2019

All the Elements

A personal ad (written using the elements and style suggested in a “how-to-write” blog and inspired by watching Lifetime Channel movies):
I am a male in my mid-forties.  I enjoy trombone music and I spend most Saturdays hanging out at my buddy’s small engine repair shop.
I have grown a bit weary of listening to the voices in my head and would like a companion who is actually there.
I am seeking a female companion who is not afraid to kick and slug people she doesn’t like.  I would prefer a redhead, or a woman with a lot of money who is willing to dye her hair red.
If you think we might be a match, give me a tap.  I have a special Saturday at the repair shop in mind!
—Mitchell Hegman


  1. That's pretty spot on for summarizing the visual plot points of those made for tv movies/series.

    Personally, those shows make me cringe and mutter sarcasm but I'm getting jaded and mean in my advancing age. :)

  2. I will admit to watching some of "those" shows now and again just to admire how well they all stick to the formula. Haha.
