Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Scary Clean

On May 15, a man named Nate Roman arrived at his Massachusetts home only to find his back door wide open.   A mélange of strange, sharp odors greeted him when he entered his house—the odor of cleaning products.
Inspecting the door, Nate saw no sign of forced entry.   Cautiously walking through his house, he did not find anything missing.  But when he entered his bedroom, he discovered someone had cleaned the room. 
When he checked his bedrooms, he found them scrubbed clean and smelling fresh.
Naturally, Nate called the police.
I’m not sure exactly what he said, but here is the conversation I imagined:
POLICE OFFICER: “Police Department, how may I serve you?”
NATE: “My house is clean.”
POLICE OFFICER: “Yes…mine is also…”
NATE: “But I didn’t clean it.”
POLICE OFFICER: “I didn’t clean mine this time, either.  My wife and I take turns.  Maybe you could share a bit more information.”
NATE: “I mean, someone broke into my house and cleaned it!”
After talking with the police and changing the locks on his door, Nate posted about the home intruders on Facebook: “They made the beds, vacuumed the rugs, scrubbed the toilets and left (toilet-paper) roses.”
Nate suspects he forgot to lock his back door and theorizes a housekeeping service may have accidentally gone to the wrong address.
He describes the event as “creepy.”
Me?  If I thought that might happen at my home, I would happily leave all my doors unlocked all day, every day.
—Mitchell Hegman
Source: MSN


  1. I would be completely ok with this if it were to happen to me. My only experience with this weirdness is that my car was once detailed for free while at a dealership in Billings to get a new transmission. I figure for as much as the transmission cost, a free/accidental detailing took some of the sting out. The only real panic was when they went to get my car and it was gone and had to track it down and found out it was with the detail crew.

    1. Haha. Some of my high school friends once pushed my car down the street while I was working. I freaked-out when I stepped out to drive home after my shift at a pizza parlor. Fortunately, the did not leave me hanging for long.
