Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Monday, December 31, 2012

Bad Sex Might be a Punishable Offense

A 50-year-old woman in Palmetto, Florida was taken into custody a few days ago for beating her male lover, aged 32, with a stick.  She also threatened to continue the punishment with a pipe wrench.  Fortunately for the man, Jiiberto Deleon, a witness to the beating called the sheriff’s department and officers were dispatched to the scene to rescue him.
Mr. Deleon apparently enraged the woman by leaving her sexually unsatisfied after a tryst of sorts.  While this kind of thing might normally result in a bruised ego, Mr. Deleon’s performance was apparently unremarkable enough to warrant corporal punishment.  Unfortunately for Jennie Scott, the woman who administered the beating, the laws in Florida have no statutes related to bad sex and she was seen as the wrongdoer.
An opportunity for a new law, perhaps?  
--Mitchell Hegman

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