Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

I Awaken (To a Bad Day)

I awaken and discover that I am no more than a tangle of dying roots clinging to parched gray earth.
I awaken to the sound of mice scratching at the inside of my walls.
I awaken with the memory of a knife in my hands and blood.
I awaken alone in a bed once shared.
I awaken to the sound of my own heart, convinced that it faltered.
I awaken and discover that the sun has come and gone.
--Mitchell Hegman


  1. You awaken to warm fat cat by your side in a nice warm house and a forthcoming nice hot coffee and a nice hot soak in your hot tub. The glass is half-full not half-empty. Hugs!
