Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014


Something, aside from becoming increasingly uglier, is happening to me as I grow older. The thing I am talking about is NOT freaking-out about bad stuff when it occurs in my life.

I give you (the possibly inane) example of being confronted yesterday with a totally dead computer. Back in "the day" such a loss would have launched me into total panic. I might have thrown my mouse to the floor after a few fruitless attempts at bringing the screen to life. At a minimum, I would have yelled curses at the nearest lamp or doorway. Instead, I simply sat back and said to myself: "Self, this is not particularly good."

The loss of my machine is a big deal. Without my computer and access to my previous work, I had to force closed (temporarily) my entire business since my work is steeped in creating documents, Power Point presentations, and the production of online training.   Furthermore, I needed to immediately expend the better part of $1,000.00 on hardware and software to assure I can get busy again before the end of this week.

I remained utterly calm throughout an entire day of running my machine about to see what might be done. I had to find someone able to quickly retrieve my most recent data. I had to purchase (locally) the required hardware and software.

At the end of the day, I thought about my calm reactions and behavior as I sipped on a glass of Scotch and watched the sun drop into a snowstorm. I wondered if my behavior in the face of this adversity might be attributed to my finally learning to accept and reason through troubles or if, perhaps, I just don't give a damn anymore.

I am all over the latter answer on this one.

--Mitchell Hegman

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