Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Friday, December 29, 2017

A Quirk

I noticed something weird about me just this morning.  A quirk, if you will.  To be fair, my friends and family have been pointing out my idiosyncrasies for a long time.
I do have a few.
My constant need to fidget with whatever is in front of me is difficult to ignore.  If I am not tapping a spoon against the table or countertop, I am spinning a glass or flipping a bottle cap through my fingers.
I also have need to align any stacks of books, papers, or pens and pencils in front of me.  My friend Kevin loves this one.  Whenever I look away, he pokes something out of alignment.  The instant I notice something is out of alignment, I reach out and tap everything square again.  I cannot stop myself.  I am like a marble dropped in a bowl: there is but one possible place where I will end up. Kevin might tweak my papers and pens a half-dozen times in a single visit.
Big fun for Kevin.  He times how long it takes me to notice.
This morning, I noticed another quirk.  If I am writing a list with a pen and must scratch-out an item on the list due to a mistake, I will immediately wad that list and start a new one.  For whatever dumb reason, I cannot tolerate a list with something scratched off before its time.  Somehow that clutters my mind.

-- Mitchell Hegman