Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Scoop and Pitch Weather

I apologize if, after reading the title of this blog, you excitedly jumped in thinking you were going to read about shoveling snow.  First, why would that excite you?  Secondly, this blog is about my whiny, annoying, and insufferable 20 pounds of housecat.
At a certain temperature—somewhere around 15 degrees—my cat shudders and backs away from the door when I open it to let him out.  The temperature is below his comfort threshold.
Too cold.
That’s fine.  Whether he goes out or not does not really matter to me.  As Thomas Jefferson once remarked: “One man with courage is a majority.”
Actually, that quote has zero to do with my cat.  I just like the quote and it came to mind just now.
The issue is this: my 20 pounds of housecat is constantly sitting by the door meowing so I will let him out.  But when I open the door he shudders and backs away because the temperature is near or below his comfort threshold.
I soon tire of a steady diet of this.
Every winter, after a few days of this, I develop a habit of my own.  I open the door, scoop up my cat, and then pitch him outside.
I really wish Jefferson had a quote about cats.  I could use one here.
-- Mitchell Hegman

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