Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

You can’t go wrong with Food

Many of my friends—from all political spectrums—have been seeking and gradually drifting to intake only television “news” they agree with.  They end up watching a single channel.
I generally flip around the channels and watch a bit of everything.
I have never considered news to be something I should necessarily agree with.
Recently, just for fun, I hunted through my television channel options to see if I could land on something I agreed with.
I gave it a good shot.
As it shakes out, Food Network programming is as close as I can get to anything I regularly agree with.
--Mitchell Hegman


  1. I like to watch the old western movies. The guy in the white hat always wins.
