Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Desiree’s First Snowman

On a drive along West Shore Drive at Canyon Ferry Reservoir, Desiree and I stopped at Lorelei Picnic Area for a stroll along the lakeshore.  After walking through the snow for a few feet, I turned to Desiree and said: “This is what we have been looking for.  This type of snow is perfect for making a snowman.”

I knelt down, scooped together a big ball of snow, compacted it little, and then rolled it through some untracked snow to collected more.  “This is good.  Today, you can make your snowman!”

Desiree took to making a snowman with the zest of a six-year-old, which is a compliment of the highest order.  After she stacked her man together, I helped her gather a few sticks to use for arms and facial features.

Once we fixed our sticks to the snowman, I stood back and appraised.  “That’s a good-looking snowman,” I remarked.  “What’s his name?

“I need to name him?”

“Yep.  You need to name your snowman.  That’s part of the deal.”

Desiree thought for a moment and then said, “Sandy.  Sandy the Snowman.”

“Makes sense to me.  We are at the beach, after all.”

Your first-ever snowman is a big deal.  Given that, I captured a series of photographs of Desiree with Sandy.

After poking around a little more and enjoying the sunshine, we left Sandy standing there alone overlooking the receding, yet unfrozen waters.  By spring, only a random collection of sticks will remain where Desiree made her man, and we will likely remember the day as being a little warmer than it actually was.

Making Sandy

Sandy and Desiree

Desiree at the Shore

Desiree at a Picnic Table

Mitchell Hegman


  1. I am really enjoying these firsts for Desiree!

    1. I am pleaded to hear that. I am also enjoying them. Desiree's fresh approach to everything in uplifting.
