Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Friday, September 20, 2024


The nights are marching against us. Each day now, we shed two or three minutes of daylight. And yet, September remains one of my favorite months. I appreciate the cooler mornings and warm evenings. The dust of summer has settled, and a clarity has come to the sky. In the last two weeks, a blush of yellow and orange has appeared on trees and brush at higher elevations.

I understand that we are crawling toward the blowing snows of winter, but for now, give me these days when I can warm myself by a campfire and think about what Buckminster Fuller said: “Fire is the sun unwinding from the tree’s log.” Give me the creeks running clear, and the smaller critters scampering around me as they work to fill their caches. Finally, give me the autumn moon. Never as warm as the sun, this moon, but ever faithful and mild.

—Mitchell Hegman

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Anger Management

While at the county courthouse for some business yesterday, I spotted a couple of notices fixed on the wall. One of them offered information about an anger management course. The notice was the type with tear-off tabs with contact information at the bottom. Judging by the manner in which the tabs had been removed, whoever tore off the tabs really needs to take the course.

Anger Management

—Mitchell Hegman

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

The Trimming (A Lemon Tree Update)

Desiree announced yesterday that she would trim the lemon tree. This is something we both agreed needed to be done in recent conversations. The tree had become decidedly spindly—rather like it wanted to grow at the extremities and shed all its leaves in the middle. I was not present when Desiree took to the tree with her snippers, and I was surprised, when I finally saw it, to find she’d trimmed it down to the equivalent of a lodgepole pine. I like a lodgepole pine. I’m not sure what the lemon tree thinks about lodgepole pines, but I’m hoping it responds favorably to using this look as a new starting point.

I’m sharing a photograph of Desiree holding her snippers and trimmed branches, and a second photograph of her holding a Cold Smoke Beer I presented to her, for an accurate reference to the relative size of things.

Desiree with Her Trimmings

Desiree Holding a Cold Smoke Beer

—Mitchell Hegman

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Going to the Sun

Going-to-the-Sun Road, completed in 1932, is a 50-mile engineering marvel that clings to steep mountains and sheer cliffs as it traverses Glacier National Park. The road ascends from around 3,150 feet at the west entrance near Apgar Village, crests over 6,600 feet at Logan Pass, and descends again to Saint Mary on the east side. While it offers breathtaking views, the season for traveling this route is relatively short. At higher elevations, snowfall can accumulate up to 80 feet in some areas. Due to these conditions, Going-to-the-Sun Road typically opens in late June or early July and becomes impassable again by mid-October.

Desiree and I spent nearly 8 hours on the road yesterday, including many stops for short hikes and photographs. We experienced perfect weather and enjoyed the stunning vistas brought forth at every curve.

Saint Mary Lake

Strange Reflections

Desiree and Reflections

The Two of Us

A Red Bus

The Edge of the Road

—Mitchell Hegman

Monday, September 16, 2024

Swiftcurrent Lake

Glacier National Park is often referred to as the "Jewel of the Continent." The nickname reflects the stunning natural beauty and its location at the heart of North America's Rocky Mountains. The mountains in Glacier appear as though freshly axed from the Earth’s foundation. Chevron-shaped mountain peaks and powder horns fall into lofty, repeating patterns; all of them rake at clouds that barely manage to rove over the top. For the most part, Montana is not a place that loves water, but Glacier National Park is an exception. Water is constantly at work within the mountains: shedding from lingering snowfields, flouncing from stone to stone in narrow ravines, and pooling into reflective lakes within the verdant, timbered valleys.

Yesterday, Desiree and I drove along the Front Range of the Rockies for about four hours to reach the park. We then spent the afternoon exploring the eastern edge, where the mountains abruptly surge up from the Great Plains. I am posting three photographs I captured at Many Glacier.

Swiftcurrent Lake


Swiftcurrent Creek  

—Mitchell Hegman

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Windsor Knot

The Windsor Knot, a popular necktie knot, is named after the Duke of Windsor, though he didn't actually use it. People began using the Windsor Knot in the 1930s and 1940s. Its large, triangular shape became a symbol of elegance and formality, making it a popular choice for business and ceremonial attire. The Windsor remains popular to this day.

I rarely wear a tie, but I needed to wear one yesterday for a wedding (as part of the wedding party). Knots, whether they be in life-saving ropes, macramé, or a sporty dress tie, have always evaded me. With this in mind, I practiced tying a Windsor on the tie I needed for the wedding ahead of time. I am posting a photograph of my effort.

Hopefully, nobody will require me to tie a life-saving knot for them anytime soon.

First Effort

At the Wedding   

—Mitchell Hegman

Saturday, September 14, 2024

The Class of 1974

Yesterday, Desiree and I attended the 50-year reunion for the Helena High Class of 1974. We represent the largest graduating class in the school’s history, with students from across the entire valley, numbering over 600. The following year, the graduating class split between Helena High and the first-ever graduating class of Capital High, established in 1973.

We could not have gathered on a more beautiful afternoon. Racks of soft-bottom clouds slowly sailed over the Montana City venue, and the nearby Elkhorn Mountains wore their best late summer colors.

The years between our graduation and now have knocked all the hard edges off us. Today, we are mostly a mingling of gray, and our voices don’t carry as far. Dozens of us have found our way to the other side. But those of us mingling together yesterday experienced a rare and complete reprieve from all local and worldly complications. Yesterday, we were a great singularity: the Class of 1974. Perhaps you remember us.

Gathering for a Class Photograph

After the Class Photograph

Groups in Conversation

Desiree and Scott St. Clair

—Mitchell Hegman

Friday, September 13, 2024

Something Serious Robin Williams Said

-- "You're only given a little spark of madness. You mustn't lose it."

-- "I used to think that the worst thing in life was to end up alone. It's not. The worst thing in life is to end up with people who make you feel alone.”

-- “I’m sorry, if you were right, I'd agree with you.”

Thursday, September 12, 2024

To a Good End

Allow this to be our supplication:

Grant us days when great mountains fully support the corners of the sky, and the scent of sage holds back the wind. Give us nights in which dreams are made under a congregation of glittering stars. Let rivers return to themselves. Grant the poor child his sincerest wish, and give the weak strength. Allow horses to run in all directions. Let white ships shelter in a becalmed bay, and may all roads lead us to the same place, where our friends and family have gathered.

—Mitchell Hegman

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Stolen Ideas

I am convinced that most of the things we call inventions are merely ideas and products stolen from nature, then stuffed into boxes fashioned by human hands.

—Mitchell Hegman

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

A Pine Tree

This summer, Desiree and I have had our skirmishes with voles, chipmunks, and a single packrat trying to make dinner of our flowers and raspberries. With concerted efforts, we chased away the packrat and then captured and released at a distance the swarms of voles and chipmunks. Our various plants are no longer under attack, but I find myself regularly reflecting on a conversation I had with another tradesman some years ago. We were talking about the struggles of family life when he told me this:

"My family," he said, shaking his head contemplatively. "It's always been a struggle for us. Last year, for the first time since we'd all grown up, we gathered under one roof at my sister's place. She didn't have any trees around the house, so we pitched in, bought a nice pine tree, and worked together to plant it. The next day, the neighbor's goat came over and ate it."

—Mitchell Hegman

Monday, September 9, 2024

Did I Break a World Record?

While cutting firewood near my cabin, I came under a vicious attack by houndstongue. Specifically, the seed pod burs from this invasive plant fell upon me as I was sawing rounds from a downed fir tree. By the time I finished collecting the rounds and loading them into my truck, my long-sleeved shirt was covered with burs. However, it wasn’t until I got home and tried to remove my shoes that I discovered the shoelaces were smothered in burs. In fact, I think I might have shattered a world record for collecting burs with my left foot. I’m not sure if this is something registered with Guinness World Records, but the loops in the laces of my left shoe captured 45 burs in something like 20 minutes.

Untying my laces proved quite challenging. I clearly recall my objections and frustrations the day my mother took it upon herself to teach me how to tie my shoes. At the time, I didn’t have a good argument against tying shoes. Now, even if I’m not recognized for breaking a world record, I’ve certainly found a solid argument for wearing slip-on shoes.

Burs caught in my Shoelaces

Burs in my Palm

—Mitchell Hegman

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Speed Square

Between my house and the cabin, I must have six or seven caulking guns by now. I only need one at each location, but as big and conspicuous as they are, I somehow regularly pack them away in boxes, bins, or five-gallon buckets and lose track of them, which forces me to buy a new one when the need arises.

Weirdly enough, I have the same issue with speed squares. The fact that speed squares are flat means they can easily hide underneath other things. I believe I have four speed squares by this point. In fact, I purchased a new one less than a month ago, only to inadvertently find one I already had a day or so later.

I am sharing a photograph of a speed square I recently located at my cabin. I think I am going to do something outlandish and hang it in a conspicuous location on the side of the shelving unit where I store some of my tools. If I manage to locate a caulking gun, I may do the same with that.

A Speed Square

—Mitchell Hegman

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Unsupervised Furniture Assembly

Desiree left me unsupervised for the better part of a day. This turned out to be quite challenging when UPS arrived early with a package for us. The parcel contained a wooden stool requiring assembly. It’s risky for me to assemble anything without Desiree there to read the instructions and oversee me, but I didn’t let that stop me. As a precaution against rushing the assembly, I poured myself a wee dram of Scotch before grabbing my tools and getting to work.

Scotch is good stuff. During the American Prohibition (1920–1933), Scotch whisky was smuggled into the U.S., fueling underground markets. Speakeasies and bootleggers thrived, with some famous figures, like Al Capone, relying on Scotch imports. This period solidified Scotch's allure in America.

Today, I am doing my part to keep Scotch shiny and relevant.

Meanwhile, the stool (a product of Vietnam) proved pretty easy to piece together. And so, I now have this idea: what if Ikea started shipping a wee dram of Scotch alongside each piece of furniture they sent out for assembly?

Goodies Fresh from the Box

Assembly Overview

Finished Product

—Mitchell Hegman

Friday, September 6, 2024

Sticking Together

Desiree and I have been watching Married at First Sight, a reality series that follows a social experiment where complete strangers are matched by a team of relationship experts, including psychologists, sociologists, and spiritual advisors, and agree to marry upon meeting for the first time. The couples meet for the first time at the altar, where they exchange vows.

Most often, the couples struggle with one issue or another before tearing apart in the end. After watching an episode, Desiree and I discussed the obvious failure of most couples to either compromise or fully commit emotionally to one another.

“I’m glad that’s not us,” I remarked. “We stick together.”

“We do,” she said. “Our love is Gorilla Tape.”

—Mitchell Hegman

Thursday, September 5, 2024

The Rebloom

The rebloom is upon us. Most of our Montana native flowers don’t favor our hot, dry summers. They tolerate them, but either reduce or entirely cease blooming as a survival tactic. As the heat wanes and longer nights drag themselves over the days, the flowers stir again and eagerly put forth blossoms.

This is the last hurrah.

In the narrow strip of soil between the approach to my garage doors, we have encouraged several native plants to flourish. In the last few weeks, as the mornings and evenings have cooled, three of these have roused for the rebloom: Gaillardia, gumweed, and flax.

Gaillardia (Indian Blanket)



—Mitchell Hegman

Monday, September 2, 2024

How Many Puzzles?

During the coldest winter months, Desiree and I typically work on jigsaw puzzles as a way to pass the time. Our preference is for 1,000-piece puzzles. We work sporadically and usually finish a puzzle about two weeks after starting. However, there is an added twist to the process this year. A couple of weeks ago, we installed a wood-burning stove in the corner of the dining room, not far from the table where we assemble our puzzles.

I expect we will be drawn to the heat (and the puzzle by default) on cold winter nights. Our puzzle-building time may be reduced to less than two weeks.

While at the cabin yesterday, I cut and chopped a load of wood to load into my truck. After Desiree took a picture of me and the wood, I asked, “So how many puzzles do you think we can put together while burning this load?”

“Three or four puzzles,” she said after some deliberation.

“I’m thinking four or five,” I said.

All of this is pure guesswork, of course, and I’m not diligent enough to actually track this particular load of wood. Only one thing is certain: I’m going to recognize some of the hard-to-split, knotted chunks when I finally get to feed them to the stove.

The New Wood Stove

Truckload of Wood

—Mitchell Hegman

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Wedding Rings

If we are going to talk about my wedding ring, we will need to use the plural: rings. One ring will not suffice. In fact, two or three will not suffice. This is because I have a knack for losing them.

Desiree and I have been married since June 2022. In the time between then and now, I have lost four rings.

The first band was a legitimately valuable platinum piece. It somehow worked its way off my finger along a stretch of Lake Helena Drive while I was collecting litter strewn alongside the road. We tried, to no avail, to find the ring with metal detectors. From that point on, I started wearing rings made of silicone, which can be purchased for as little as $3.88 for a set of four.

I lost (and likely buried) the second ring while planting a bush alongside the house.

I felt the third ring slip off while snorkeling among coral formations at the edge of deep waters off the island of Palawan in the Philippines.

I’m not sure where the fourth ring went.

I nearly lost (at least temporarily) the fifth ring a couple of days ago while assembling items we need for making jam. Just as I was about to place a couple of stray jars in the tub in which I was collecting things, I peered down and saw my ring there.

Maybe it’s time to consider a wedding ring tattoo.

Silicone Rings

My Ring in a Tub of Canning Goodies

—Mitchell Hegman