Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Unsupervised Furniture Assembly

Desiree left me unsupervised for the better part of a day. This turned out to be quite challenging when UPS arrived early with a package for us. The parcel contained a wooden stool requiring assembly. It’s risky for me to assemble anything without Desiree there to read the instructions and oversee me, but I didn’t let that stop me. As a precaution against rushing the assembly, I poured myself a wee dram of Scotch before grabbing my tools and getting to work.

Scotch is good stuff. During the American Prohibition (1920–1933), Scotch whisky was smuggled into the U.S., fueling underground markets. Speakeasies and bootleggers thrived, with some famous figures, like Al Capone, relying on Scotch imports. This period solidified Scotch's allure in America.

Today, I am doing my part to keep Scotch shiny and relevant.

Meanwhile, the stool (a product of Vietnam) proved pretty easy to piece together. And so, I now have this idea: what if Ikea started shipping a wee dram of Scotch alongside each piece of furniture they sent out for assembly?

Goodies Fresh from the Box

Assembly Overview

Finished Product

—Mitchell Hegman

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