Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

The Class of 1974

Yesterday, Desiree and I attended the 50-year reunion for the Helena High Class of 1974. We represent the largest graduating class in the school’s history, with students from across the entire valley, numbering over 600. The following year, the graduating class split between Helena High and the first-ever graduating class of Capital High, established in 1973.

We could not have gathered on a more beautiful afternoon. Racks of soft-bottom clouds slowly sailed over the Montana City venue, and the nearby Elkhorn Mountains wore their best late summer colors.

The years between our graduation and now have knocked all the hard edges off us. Today, we are mostly a mingling of gray, and our voices don’t carry as far. Dozens of us have found our way to the other side. But those of us mingling together yesterday experienced a rare and complete reprieve from all local and worldly complications. Yesterday, we were a great singularity: the Class of 1974. Perhaps you remember us.

Gathering for a Class Photograph

After the Class Photograph

Groups in Conversation

Desiree and Scott St. Clair

—Mitchell Hegman

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