Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Ariel (Lion of God)

·         Does a single note struck and held at the high end of a piano make you feel empty or does it fill you?

·         Do you know why some tufted phlox plants bloom lavender while others bloom white?

·         Which drives you to awaken early on Sunday morning and assemble metal-wire shelving units without bothering to read the instructions: loneliness or ambition?

·         What is not in a name?

·         Which of the following best describes distance to you?

o   The measurement on a map.

o   A sense of undefined longing.           

·         What is in a name?

·         Have you ever sat in a deep forest rainstorm as the hard raindrops gradually turned into fluffy flakes of snow?

·         Have you ever watched a herd of over two-hundred wild elk pour silently over a grassy knoll like seafoam over a sandy shore?

·         Do you prefer the smell of freshly opened earth to the smell of split wood?

·         Would you miss the sight of a brutish August thunder and lightning storm brawling with the high mountains and surging over the prairie if you lived by a lolling sea?

·         If a tomcat nudged at your hand until you awakened late at night, would you soft into his fur and pet him?

·         Is it your hands or is it your heart that gets you in trouble most often?

·         Do you sometimes dance around an empty space while imaging that someone you lost is there with you?

--Mitchell Hegman

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