Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Monday, February 3, 2014

The Super Bowl I Would Like to See

I am not very interested in football.  I suspect that my disinterest may be the result of a missing gene or perhaps some yet undiscovered central nervous system failure.  I am one of few people left at the odd station of not quite understanding all the fuss and frenzy surrounding the Super Bowl on game day.   I did watch an entire Super Bowl game once.  That was many years ago.  My sister cried because Denver won the game.
I asked her: “This is just a game, right?”
“Then, why are you crying?”
“Because Denver won!”
Okay.  Back to square one.  My genetic disorder is something akin to color blindness.  In my case, I simply lack the metric to see the emotional and philosophical connections between freakishly large males smashing together and, well, anything else.  I think I might enjoy the game if some twists were added.   Maybe the football could have quills, like a porcupine, so that players want the ball but are also afraid to get near it.  Maybe, rather than being confined to the ground, the players could be equipped with jetpacks so a real “air game” could be played.  I might actually watch a Super Bowl where all the players were required to play either an accordion or bagpipes until the instant the ball was hiked at the beginning of each play.
My kind of game that last one!
--Mitchell Hegman

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