Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

A Grim Feast

Yesterday morning, after driving only a few hundred yards away from my house, I noticed about six ravens and about a dozen magpies scattered across the road and perched in some nearby trees.
I immediately surmised why the birds were there.
The birds allowed me to draw within an easy stone’s throw before they erupted like a black and white fountain and flapped off in all directions.
I stopped my truck when I reached the place where the birds had been gathered.  Instinctively, I reached for my twice-as-smarter-than-me-phone so I could take a photograph.   As soon as I stepped from my truck, I found my subject about eight feet off the road.
A grim feast, as witnessed by the photograph below.

What manner of “sportsman” would leave this in plain sight alongside my road?
I am going to make a wild guess about this sportsman: This is likely the sort of sportsman who cannot understand why some landowners don’t welcome hunters.
--Mitchell Hegman

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