Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Frosty Deer

Deer stay warm because they have fur made out of windows.  Well, their fur is not actually made of double pane casement windows, but the principles are much the same.  The hair comprising a deer’s fur is hollow.  The air trapped in the hair—just as the air between window panes—affords superior insulating properties.

Cold weather does not appear to bother the mule deer living around my home.  On cold mornings such as yesterday, the deer unglue themselves from the frozen landscape where they have bedded down overnight and disperse into the frost and widening light.

Same as any other day.

Today, I am posting photographs of a deer that ascended the hill below my house just after sunrise yesterday.  The deer browsed up through my yard on the way to the rest of a mostly sunny day.  The coat of frost across the deer’s back and on her ears tells the whole story.
--Mitchell Hegman


  1. I still remember how amazed and thrilled I was seeing a deer through your kitchen window. Over here in Hawaii, all we see the yard are wild pigs -- black and scary but delicious when prepared and cooked right.

  2. I have never tried a wild pig. Sounds pretty good.
