Photography And Half-Thoughts By Mitchell Hegman

...because some of it is pretty and some of it is not.

Thursday, December 17, 2015


At some point—I am not sure if there is an exact temperature—frigid Arctic air converts snow, and sometimes the air itself, into a mass of sparkles.

This spectacle is beautiful.

Such cold air poured down into our snow-filled valley last night.  Driving our country road back home after a late dinner, that girl and I found ourselves in a bright sea of high stars, untracked snow, and sparkles.  Our headlights continually washed across starkly white gatherings of ghost trees and snow-softened rolls of land—all seemingly sprinkled-over with freshly cut diamonds.

Sparkles swelled up and tumbled away from the tires of our car as we drove on.

Virtually all points washed by our headlights exploded into brilliant spangles against the cobalt night.

While I am not particularly fond of frigid temperatures, the beauty produced by them has no equivalent.

--Mitchell Hegman

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